eduScrum Shu Ha Ri Learning Path:
Training, Courses & Community of Practice Sessions
Level 1:
eduScrum Basic Courses & Training
How to learn with eduScrum (Shu Learning)
“Follow the rule and follow the master.” (Shu) We offer different possibilities to step into the eduScrum Shu Ha Ri Learning Path by realizing this way of aquiring the eduScrum framework of agile learning, teaching and co-creating.
In this learning area you will mainly take the role of a student in various insightful and exciting ways. We would love to support you and learn together with you about the ‘art-to-be-agile’ from a strong eduScrum perspective.
– There are no requirements needed for entering the eduScrum Shu Learning area
– Certification: eduScrum Certified Student – Definition of Ready
– Next possible steps: Community of Practice Sessions (to be taken in sequence or in parallel) and eduScrum Ha Applying learning area

Level 2:
Community of Practice
How to teach with eduScrum (Ha Applying)
‘Break the rule and co-create with the master’ (HA) is the main intention of this eduScrum Shu Ha Ri Learning path stage. Here you can continue your first steps with eduScrum and shift your learner’s perspective to your educational field and role of interest.
We are truly delighted when you take us on your agile learning journey and would love to support your steps!
– eduScrum Certified Student – Definition of Ready needed for entering the ‘eduScrum Ha Applying’ stage
– Certification: eduScrum Certified Explorer – Definition of Done
– Next possible steps: Community of Practice sessions (to be taken in sequence or in parallel)
Level 3: Practicing eduScrum and the Art2BeAgile by having
Practical Workshops & Courses
How to practice agile learning inspired by eduScrum
As eduScrum Community we like to meet up and learn with different kinds of like-minded people from all over the world in various fields of education and co-creation. eduScrum Certified Trainers learn together with eduScrum Certified Students, Teachers and Practitioners. We think about gaining further insights about learning or developing further aspects of agile learning. Also passionate educators and interested guests beyond the eduScrum Community are whole-heartedly welcome to join our Art2BeAgile sessions. eduScrum Certified Teachers and Trainers can get their ‘eduScrum Certified Practitioner – Definition of Doing’ annual certificate by being actively involved in the developments within our eduScrum community.
Feel welcome to have a look at the upcoming sessions and take this invitation as an open door to discover or rediscover more about learning, teaching and co-creating in an agile way.
– no requirements needed for entering the eduScrum Shu Learning area
– Certification: annual eduScrum Certified Practioner – Definition of Doing (if you are an eduScrum Cert. Teacher, Practitioner or Trainer)
– next possible steps: entering all areas of the eduScrum Shu Ha Ri Learning path (proof of being an ‘eduScrum Certified Practioner – Definition of Doing’ needed)
For more info join our eduScrum Welcome Tea Sessions or get in touch with us via

eduScrum Train-the-Trainer:
about how to train others to learn and teach with eduScrum (Ri Mastering)
“Make the rule and co-create with other masters.” (RI) describes this eduScrum Shu Ha Ri Learning path stage best. It focuses the learning about how to train and accompany the teachers and facilitators of agile learning and teaching inspired by eduScrum.
This beautiful learning area is one impressive result of the close and engaged work of hundreds of passionate learners and educators from all over the world. We are really proud and grateful for what the community of eduScrum Certified trainers, friends and supporters have realized within just one decade of eduScrum! THANK YOU!
– eduScrum Certified Practitioner – Definition of Doing needed for entering this ‘eduScrum Ri Mastering’ stage
– Certification: eduScrum Certified Trainer – Definition of Purpose
– Next possible steps: entering all eduScrum Shu Ha Ri learning stages and Art2BeAgile sessions as a learner or trainer
For more info join our eduScrum Welcome Tea Sessions or get in touch with us via