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eduScrum FAQs
For which subjects can eduScrum be used?
We haven’t yet come across subjects that are not suitable for edusScrum. Most profits are to be expected for the more complex group assignments in a rich context and for a complicated curriculum whereas cooperation has added value.
What kinds of education are suitable for eduScrum?
eduScrum is successfully being used in the Dutch school systems: po, vmbo, havo, vwo, mbo, hbo and university; so primary schools, secundairy schools and higher education. In all kind of subjects, or “open” projects.
Could every teacher learn to work with eduScrum?
Certainly, providing one has faith in the students.
What do students with ADHD or ASS think of eduScrum?
Students with autism and ADHD appreciate the clarity and the clear structure of the roles, ceremonies and the plan board. This helps them see the big picture, calms them and gives them trust. They furthermore get the appreciation for their specific qualities, this is good for their self-confidence.
From what age can eduScrum be used?
eduScrum is successfully being used by students from any age.
Why does eduScrum work so powerfully?
Who doesn’t enjoy being an appreciated member of a well running team that can accomplish a lot more than when being on your own? eduScrum offers a clear work structure for the team. This leads to purity and transparency. At the same time within that structure there is a lot of freedom and room for autonomy, responsibility, creativity and own input. It will be a sport to work and learn in the fastest, best and most enjoyable way. Besides that, the appreciation of contemporaries for each individual input and qualities start off a positive personal growth. Too bad we are not at school anymore!
Are there students that don’t want to cooperate?
This rarely happens. There is actually always a personal story behind it. For instance the boy that is certain to take over his parents’ agricultural company in the future and knows he will always be working on his own. He would rather not discover the joy of working together.
How does eduScrum relate to activating didactics?
eduScrum is a general method for effective and efficient collaboration. The method can be used independently or deployed within large assignments of a rich context (for instance a project, a real assignment). In eduscrum students can use any effective activating art to work smarter and to learn ( for instance peer tutoring, placemat, etc.)
Can one distinguish within a team?
Sure. And if you don’t do it, the students will.
How can one check if a student gets the best of himself?
You just watch the reflections and the test results of the student closely. But foremost: let the student ask the team. The effect will amaze you.