Cooperation Partners
Schuberg Philis: Mission Critical IT Outsourcing;heavy users of Scrum in IT operations
Xebia: Agile software development;training and implementation of Scrum
Rini van Solingen: Professor of Globally Distributed Software Engineering at Delft University of Technology
We are also pleased with the support of Jeff and Arline Sutherland from Scruminc.

Friends of eduScrum
Professionals from inside and outside education who are convinced that eduScrum is currently the most interesting and innovative form of education for us. Rini van Solingen (Prowareness), Maarten Bruns (Shortcycle), Martin Bruggink (TU Delft), Jan Fischbach & Peter Fischbach (Common Sense Team), Jean Pierre Berchez (Scrum-events), Ilja Heitlager (Schuberg Philis), Ben Linders (Ben Linders Advies), Paul Takken, Serge Beaumont (Xebia), Nienke van de Hoef (Scrum Company), Pia Raab (Hochschule Mannheim), Anna Luther (Hochschule Mannheim), Wiebke Werft ( Hochschule Mannheim), …………..
The Friends of eduScrum will jointly facilitate the implementation of eduScrum in education. One of their motives: they want a school for their own children where there is Scrum!